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Argent Medical Group is a products division of Argent World Services, LLC providing medical product support, along with Argent Defense Group, to the US Government.

Since the start of the COVID-19 world wide pandemic, Argent Medical Group immediately supported the war fighter, our front line medical workers and the US civilian population with medical products directly linked to COVID-19.  Argent Defense Group, another parts division of Argent World Services, is now classified with US Customs as an importer of products from around the world.  With this, Argent is now positioned to bring in quality medical products to The Department of State, Department of Defense (to include the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy and US Marines), Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and multiple State Governor’s Emergency Response Teams.

Due to world wide shortages of medical PPE causing a negative impact to the United States, Argent Defense group is reserving 20 percent of all product intended for government sales to help assist the public mitigate exposure to COVID-19 while allowing time for US Manufacturing to ramp up.

Argent Medical Group’s world wide mission is to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and provide the best protection/defense to allow time for a vaccine to be developed.